If you don’t follow the guide properly, there will be chances of damage and complete failure of mobile device. Follow at your own risk.
- This guide is only meant for Asus Zenfone Max ZC550KL. Do not try this with other Android phone.
- Enable USB Debugging from Developers Menu
- Make sure you have all the drivers installed.
- Maintain at least 60% battery before following the procedure
- Make sure the connection between PC and mobile phone is good. Don’t use lose cable
- Follow the guide step-by-step and completely.
Drivers –
Stock ROM –
How to root Asus Zenfone Max ZC550KL
- Download the Stock Firmware from above link. Don’t extract the file.
- Copy the zip file and place it in your Internal Memory
- Reboot to Recovery (Volume Down + Power)
- Select Apply Update from SD Card
- Locate the zip file –
- Select the file and Flash the phone
- Reboot the phone
You have successfully unrooted your Asus Zenfone Max ZC550KL and now you can install the software updates from Asus. If you wish to root Asus Zenfone Max again, follow this guide here LINK
When you say “Copy the zip file and place it in your Internal Memory”, what do you mean?
Phone internal memory
Phone SD card.
As next to next step you have mentioned “Select Apply Update from SD Card”
It’s bit confusing.
I did meant Internal Memory. Copy the zip in Internal Memory. In recovery mode if you select Apply update from SD Card, it will be followed by screen which will show both internal and external memory. Select Internal and proceed with flashing.
How to move app and document file or video from internal memory to ad card in ASUS ZenFone max
If I unlock the bootloader, root and install a custom ROM, these instructions will make me able again to receive Asus software updates?
No, if you are on Custom ROM. You will not received Asus updates.
what for the driver then when we only flash from botloader?
This firmware is ww. If not, where do I find the firmware ww. My asus max came with a custom ROM and I can not do the updates.
Im on custom rom RRN, I want to downgrade to Stock lollipop, can I flash this directly on TWRP in RRN Rom
Thanks in advance
Yes, wipe cache and clean install.